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Setelah user melakukan pembayaran melalui channel yang dipilih, maka WinPay akan mengirimkan request ke URL Listener Merchant. Request yang dikirim berupa string json dengan tipe request POST. URL Listener Merchant harus memberikan response berupa string “ACCEPTED” (tanpa tanda petik), jika WinPay tidak menerima response “ACCEPTED” maka akan diulang sebanyak 3 kali.


Nama APICallback
Http MethodPOST
Path{your path callback}


berikut adalah body request yang akan dikirim:

uuidstringinvoice uuid
created_atdate time iso 8061date time created invoice
refstringinvoice ref
channelstringinvoice paid with
amountintegerinvoice amount
feeintegerinvoice fee
nett_amountintegeramount - fee
productsarray of objectlist of product
products[].namestringproduct name
products[].qtystringproduct quantity
products[].pricestringproduct price
invoiceobjectinvoice detail
invoice.uuidstringinvoice uuid
invoice.refstringinvoice ref
invoice.urlstringinvoice page url
invoice.customerobjectinvoice customer detail
invoice.customer.namestringinvoice customer name
invoice.customer.emailstringinvoice customer email
invoice.customer.phonestringinvoice customer phone

Reqeuest Sample

"uuid": "40777df1-ad3d-4572-b0a3-6c90574330fa",
"created_at": "2022-11-14T10:48:00+07:00",
"ref": "21125",
"channel": "BSI",
"amount": 18940,
"fee": 0,
"nett_amount": 18940,
"products": [
"name": "1172164",
"qty": 1,
"price": 18940
"invoice": {
"uuid": "f6bd0574-56ca-4926-849c-8c332694966c",
"ref": "1172164-1668397659",
"url": "",
"customer": {
"name": "TUTIANxxxxxx",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "1172164"
